

Incentive regulation

Incentive-based regulation came into force in 2009 with the goal of encouraging the operators of gas and electricity networks to reduce costs and pass on the savings to consumers. Network operators are given upper limits for their fees or - as in the case of GASCADE - upper limits for revenue. The basis for this is the German Incentive Regulation Ordinance (ARegV)) which was amended in August 2016.

Incident management

Incident management is used in the event of a network fault. During an initial analysis carried out by the dispatching center, the incident is classified and categorized into one of three incident categories: HSE, transport restriction and safety. If the incident satisfies specific criteria, the GASCADE crisis team is called in.

Investment measure application

An investment measure in accordance with § 23 of the ARegV is designed to allow network operators to include expenditures in the upper revenue limit early on. The BNetzA approves investment measures for expansion and restructuring projects if they are necessary for the stability of the overall system, for integration into the national or international interconnected network or for needs-based development of the energy supply network. In accordance with § 23 Sect. 3 of the ARegV, the application should be submitted no later than nine months before the start of the calendar year in which the investment will become cost-effective. Operating and capital costs can be claimed as costs.

Interruptible capacity

The network operator can interrupt these capacities at any time. See also dynamic capacity, fixed capacity and freely allocable capacity.