Hydrogen – future energy carrier

We are convinced: Using and transporting hydrogen as an energy source is essential for the energy transition and achieving the climate goals. In the future, hydrogen will be a connecting element between all sectors, and enable the further inclusion of renewables and climate-neutral energy sources. 

Our hydrogen projects, involvement and studies

Different forms of hydrogen

Hydrogen is categorized into different forms – green, gray, blue or turquoise hydrogen. Green hydrogen is produced on a climate-neutral basis from renewable energies. In the case of gray hydrogen, which is obtained from natural gas, CO2 is emitted. With blue hydrogen, CO2 is separated and stored (carbon capture, usage and storage). Turquoise hydrogen is produced through thermal methane cracking, with solid carbon being produced instead of CO2

Our network is open to hydrogen

Energy, gas transport and pipelines are our expertise – we also support using the existing gas infrastructure for hydrogen. Transporting hydrogen with the existing infrastructure makes use of available assets, is cost-efficient, and relies on a Europe-wide network and storage opportunities.

Hydrogen transport on the high seas

How the energy carrier can be produced in domestic waters and brought ashore was discussed by Dennis Wehmeyer, Head of Hydrogen & Sustainability at GASCADE, and Werner Diwald, Chairman of the Board of the German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (DWV) e.V., on the occasion of the Hydrogen Week 2023 in Berlin. 

Sitting on the Blue Sofa between the Bundestag and the Chancellor's Office, they discussed not only hydrogen infrastructure and storage, but also the links between renewable energies, hydrogen production, the opportunities for German and European supply security, and maintaining the economy and value creation in Germany and Europe.

(in German)


Maike Ferl
Uta Kull
Arne Kupetz