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Internal orders
in the joint market area

We provide access to our pipeline system through around 60 interconnection points. Downstream network operators can order exit capacities internally for transport within the Trading Hub Europe market area.

The Cooperation Agreement between the Operators of Gas Supply Networks in Germany (KoV) sets out the binding cooperation between upstream and downstream network operators, which they are obliged to observe pursuant to Section 20 (1b) of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG as amended on 13 October 2023).

Internal application for exit capacity –
how it works:

Pursuant to Section 11 of the KoV, Network Operators whose network is directly connected to the network(s) of one or several upstream network operator(s) shall apply to the upstream Transmission System Operator (TSO) for the maximum amount of firm exit capacity the Network Operator requires to be made available in the following calendar year (the “Inter-System Capacity Year”) at the respective interconnection point in order to be able to carry out its gas transports.

Upon acceptance of the Inter-System Capacity Application, the upstream TSO shall have an obligation to make the contractually agreed amount of capacity available accordingly.

If a downstream Network Operator’s network has several interconnection points with the same TSO, those points shall be grouped where possible to form exit zones. The Inter-System Capacity Application made in respect of those points shall then be related to that exit zone.

The internal order must be submitted to the TSO by no later than 15 July each year.

The TSO must accept or reject the internal order within 10 business days following the end of the application period. Internal orders must be accepted for at least the amount corresponding to the capacity to be made available on a permanent basis as last contractually agreed.

A rejection may only be restricted to the amount of capacity that exceeds this quantity. The TSO must makes its decision in an individual case assessment by no later than 15 October.

The internal order is submitted via our Customer portal.

Capacity fees and demand

The TSO must publish the capacity fees for the following calendar year by 1 June each year. The currently valid price list and the version for the following year are published in our Download section.

In accordance with Section 16 of the KoV, the long-term demand forecast for the 10 years following the Inter-System Capacity Year must be submitted in each odd-numbered calendar year together with the internal order. The downstream network operator uses the long-term demand forecast to provide a non-binding forecast of the amount of capacity it will require during this period.

Forecasts are made on demand trends in the sectors residential, commercial, industrial and power plants in the categories “declining”, “constant” or “rising”.

Capacity reduction tools (linepack development) and specific projects that lead to an increase in capacity demand must also be specified.

Since 2021, a forecast information form for green gas projects has also been submitted with the internal order. Downstream network operators should specify their demand in the individual segments in this form.


in accordance with §11 subparagraph 9 of the Cooperation Agreement (German language version)
in accordance with §11 subparagraph 9 of the Cooperation Agreement (German language version)

Older documents can be found in our Archive

Any questions?

Gerda Suresch

Gerda Suresch

Contract Management
Internal Ordering

Telephone: +49 561 934-1267

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