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For Germany and Europe

Network users
We have capacities for you

We transport large quantities of gas over long distances. Our network directly connects five European countries and, with more than 100 entry and exit points, is located at the heart of the German market area Trading Hub Europe. Our capacities can be booked using several European platforms.


FZK – firm, freely allocable capacity

With firm, freely allocable capacity, transport can be realised to any point in the market area Trading Hub Europe and the virtual trading point can be reached without restrictions.

uFZK – interruptible, freely allocable capacity

If no firm capacity is available, interruptible, freely allocable capacity provides an alternative. In case of actual interruptions of any capacity products you will be informed as early as possible.

bFZK – conditionally firm, freely allocable capacity

It depends partly on the outside temperature during the transport, whether capacity is firm or interruptible, especially at storage facilities. Reflecting this, conditionally firm, freely allocable capacity is offered. This capacity product is firm within predefined temperature boundaries. Beyond these boundaries conditionally firm, freely allocable capacities allow transports to any point in the market area Trading Hub Europe as well as access to the virtual trading point on an interruptible basis.

DZK – dynamically allocable capacity

Due to grid-hydraulic reasons not every capacity is completely free allocable. For this reason, dynamically allocable capacity is offered. For predefined transport routes this capacity type is firm. Furthermore, it offers access to the virtual trading point on an interruptible basis.

For more information on our products, please refer to the documents in the Download section.

Registration process

Capacities in the GASCADE network can be booked using PRISMA or RBP. After you have successfully registered GASCADE will proceed with your activation. 

Step by step:
How to become a network user

  • Registration for booking platform
  • Receiving a balancing group 
  • Finalizing your registration
  • Communication test

1. Registration for booking platform

For network point Mallnow please register via the Regional Booking Platform (RBP).
Please contact registrationSpam directly after completing the RBP platform registration.

To book any other network points you require a registration via PRISMA.

Please follow the instructions provided by the respective platform.

You will need the following information:     

  • EI-Code
  • DVGW-Code in the role of network user
  • Company data
  • User data
  • Contact information

2. Receiving a balancing group

In order to use your future bookings in the German market area, you require a balancing group. These are issued directly via the portal of the Market Area Operator Trading Hub Europe

3. Finalizing your registration

After you have successfully registered on the platform and have received your balancing group, please contact us via registrationSpam

Together we will now take care of procuring and collecting all additional information and documents. 

4. Communication test

Once all documents have been checked, we will activate your company account and carry out a joint communication test. 

For testing - please contact us via edi-supportSpam

You are now all set and ready to book transport capacities in the GASCADE network.

We will be happy to help you with your registration.
Please contact registrationSpam

Incremental capacity

We are constantly developing the network. As part of the Network Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms (NC CAM), GASCADE is implementing the procedure for incremental capacity together with the other German transmission system operators. It lasts two years and starts in odd-numbered years. There are five phases, depending on requirements. 

The Incremental Capacity process is coordinated through FNB Gas.

visit FNB Gas website

Phase 1

Phase 1 commences after the yearly auction for annual capacities. Within a period of eight weeks, the transmission system operators accept non-binding requests on the FNB Gas website from participants for additional capacity at border crossing points in order to be able to assess the demand for additional capacity in market demand assessments. Non-binding requests received after this deadline will not be considered until the next cycle. 

If the market demand report shows that the demand for incremental capacity exceeds the existing capacity, a process for incremental capacity is launched.

Phase 2

Technical studies, which contain statements on the measures, costs, and schedules, are prepared in phase 2. In addition, an offer level containing the requested capacity is created. This information is summarized in a draft project proposal and consultations are held.

Phase 3

Following incorporation of the feedback from the consultations and intensive coordination with the regulatory authorities, the TSOs submit a project proposal for examination in phase 3.

Phase 4

If the project proposal is approved, the incremental capacity is offered in the yearly auction in phase 4.

Phase 5

Whether the marketed capacity is created in Phase 5 is determined by the economic test conducted by the regulatory authority following capacity allocation.


From the 2023 – 2025 Incremental Capacity cycle onwards, transmission system operators will charge a fee in accordance with Article 26 (11) of Regulation (EU) 2017/459 (NC CAM) of €30,000 per market area border, type of demand (incremental capacity or capacity upgrade) and flow direction for their activities resulting from the transmission of non-binding market demand requests. We point out that the fee will also be charged if the non-binding market demand requests are not sent to the German transmission system operators by the requesting party itself, but by a third party (such as by an adjacent foreign transmission system operator) (cf. point 37 BK9-22/042).

The approval by the Federal Network Agency and detailed information can be found in Decision BK9-22/042 or on the FNB Gas website. 

FNB Gas website

Any questions?

Haris Dzomba

Telephone: +49 561 934-1274

send e-mail

Capacity shift

We always aim to offer capacity at our network points to reflect demand. Even though we have a great deal of information on this issue, there may be some imprecisions that justify higher capacity demand than we forecast. That is why GASCADE offers the option of requesting a capacity increase as part of a capacity shift. In this case, we review which shift or shifts is/are suitable for the requested capacity increase, and whether the request can be met with the existing capacity. This request does not constitute an entitlement to grid expansion or its consideration in the network development plan. 
If we can increase the marketable capacity at the requested network point, and it is allocated by auction, it will be included in all standard capacity products in the requested period of time. The capacity can be used by all market participants.
More detailed information on the subject of capacity shifts can also be found in the position paper of the Federal Network Agency

To submit a request for a capacity shift to GASCADE, please send us the completed and signed request form “Capacity booking requests in exceptional cases.” 

Any questions?

Martin Vogts

Martin Vogts

Capacity Management / Contract Management

Telephone: +49 561 934-1362

send e-mail

Capacity booking requests in exceptional cases

In case of a failure in the capacity booking process, GASCADE offers the possibility of purchasing capacities on an interruptible basis. Depending on the duration and error scope duration of the capacity allocation system or the connected systems of GASCADE, shippers are provided with capacity requests via standard form or capacity bookings via over-nomination. 

The detailed description of access to the GASCADE network in the event of non-availability of regular capacity allocation be found in the following documents.

Any questions?

Peter Dippel

Peter Dippel

Head of Capacity Management

Sabine Werner

Sabine Werner


Telephone: +49 561 934-2932

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Dominik Stolz

Dominik Stolz

Head of Team Contract Management

Telephone: +49 561 934-1376

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Wadim Beitler

Wadim Beitler

Head of Team Contract Dispatching

Telephone: +49 561 934-3542

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Andreas Keil

Andreas Keil

Head of Team Processes and Implementation

Telephone: +49 561 934-2174

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Behnoosh Farahani

Behnoosh Farahani

Contract Management

Telephone: +49 561 934-1279

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Geert Oppermann

Contract Management,
Industry and power plants

Telephone: +49 561 934-1948

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Ilina Rose

Ilina Rose

Contract Management

Telephone: +49 561 934-1340

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Gennady Stetsenko

Gennady Stetsenko

Contract Management

Telephone: +49 561 934-1309

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Gerda Suresch

Gerda Suresch

Contract Management
Internal Ordering

Telephone: +49 561 934-1267

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Martin Vogts

Martin Vogts

Capacity Management / Contract Management

Telephone: +49 561 934-1362

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René Volkmann

René Volkmann

Contract Management

Telephone: +49 561 934-1333

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