• We supply Germany. And connect Europe.

We supply Germany.

And connect Europe.

We transport your natural gas – safe, reliable, efficient and 
environmentally friendly manner. With our gas transmission system
we directly connect five European countries. To guarantee secure 
energy supplies in Germany and Europe for the future.

15/07/2024 | Managing Directors, employees and guests celebrated the start of the long-awaited new building project in Clara-Immerwahr-Straße in Kassel in beautiful sunshine.
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15/07/2024 | Project implementation of the pipeline for the North Sea can begin. GASCADE is making an important contribution to development of an interconnected European hydrogen infrastructure.
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17/06/2024 | Nine gas transmission system operators in the countries around the Baltic Sea have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which aims to coordinate and facilitate hydrogen infrastructure and also to foster hydrogen market development in the Baltic Sea region.
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Information on restrictions to capacities at GASCADE pipeline network due to servicing and maintenance work as well as REMIT news.
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