Compliance can be described briefly and concisely as acting in accordance with applicable laws, company rules, and ethical and moral principles. Compliance is part of our company’s sustainable alignment to values and provides us all with guidance in day-to-day work. We have set up our compliance management system as an extensive programme for ensuring the stability of our values and compliant behaviour. It supports us in complying with legal and internal rules and regulations, especially to protect the GASCADE team and the company itself from adverse effects.
As a certified transmission system operator, we are part of the critical infrastructure and obligated by law to conduct our transport business in a non-discriminatory and independent manner. We take our social responsibility very seriously and demand this from our business partners as well. For this purpose, we rely on our internal business partner compliance programme. Our entire compliance programme therefore focusses on the prevention as well as on identifying potential risks at an early stage with the aim of quickly limiting or being able to eliminate possible hazards.
We are expressly committed to fairness and to complying with all domestic and foreign laws that are relevant to us.
Anonymous whistleblower system
In addition to the conventional opportunities for customers and suppliers (contact person, consumer information), we offer an anonymous external whistleblower system for reporting significant violations of general laws and of our Code of Conduct. It allows an anonymous and confidential dialogue with our external ombudsman that is also secured by special encryption.