as of 15/07/2024,valid 01/10/2024–31/12/2024
as of 15/07/2024,valid 01/01/2024–30/09/2024
as of 01/03/2024,valid 01/01/2024–30/09/2024
as of 14/12/2023, valid 01/01/2024–30/09/2024
as of 21/09/2023, valid 01/01/2024–30/09/2024
as of 18/07/2023, valid 01/01/2024–30/09/2024
as of 02/06/2023, valid 01/01/2024–30/09/2024
as of 18/07/2023, valid 01/01/2023–31/12/2023
as of 07/03/2023, valid 01/01/2023–31/12/2023
as of 27/01/2023, valid 01/01/2023–31/12/2023
as of 23/12/2022, valid 01/01/2023–31/12/2023
as of 22/12/2021, valid 01/01/2022–31/12/2022
as of 01/06/2021, valid 01/10/2021–31/12/2021
as of 18/11/2020, valid 01/10/2021–31/12/2021
as of 01/06/2021, valid 01/01/2021–30/09/2021
as of 18/11/2020, valid 01/01/2021–30/09/2021
as of 05/06/2020, valid 01/01/2020–30/09/2020
as of 15/05/2020, valid 01/01/2020–31/12/2020
as of 01/04/2020, valid 01/01/2020–31/12/2020
as of 04/02/2020, valid 01/01/2020–31/12/2020
as of 19/11/2019, valid 01/01/2020–31/12/2020
as of 26/09/2019, valid 01/01/2020–31/12/2020
as of 01/08/2019, valid 01/01/2020–31/12/2020
as of 08/07/2019, valid 01/01/2020–31/12/2020
as of 19/11/2019, valid 01/01/2019–31/12/2019
as of 01/08/2019, valid 01/01/2019–31/12/2019
as of 25/09/2018, valid 01/01/2019–31/12/2019
as of 25/09/2018, valid 01/11/2018–31/12/2018
as of 30/08/2018, valid 01/11/2018–31/12/2018
as of 19/07/2018, valid 01/01/2018–31/10/2018
as of 06/04/2018, valid 1/01/2018–31/10/2018
as of 12/12/2017, valid 01/01/2018–31/10/2018
according to Art. 29 and 30 Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC Tariff)
as of 18/07/2023, valid 01/01/2023–31/12/2023
according to Section 21 (3) sentence 2 EnWG (automated readout) in the Trading Hub Europe GmbH market area
as of 22/12/2021, valid 01/01/2022–31/12/2022
according to Section 21 (3) sentence 2 EnWG (automated readout) in the Trading Hub Europe GmbH market area
according to Art. 29 Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC Tariff)
as of 19/11/2019, valid 01/01/2019–31/12/2019
Tender for fuel gas
GASCADE Gastransport (German language version)
NEL Gastransport (German language version)
NEL Gastransport (German language version)
ONTRAS Gastransport (German language version)
ONTRAS Gastransport (German language version)