Q&A Mallnow

Why do you transport in the direction of Poland? / Why do you transport in the direction of Germany?

We transport according to the nominations we receive. Depending on the situation, we receive higher nominations for the transport in one or the other direction, which determines the direction of flow. Mallnow is a point that can transport in both directions (POL -> DE/DE -> POL).You can find all data concerning our flows at https://tron.gascade.biz/.

Who decides in which direction gas flows at Mallnow?

The direction of gas flows is dependent on the nominations we receive from transport customers. We transport according to the nominations we receive.

Can you give us a comment on the current gas market situation?

Please understand that we cannot give more information than the figures we publish on our transparency tool.

Can you please explain, who booked which capacity?

For data protection reasons, we cannot provide information about which customers have booked which capacities. Thank you for your understanding.

Where do I see the Mallnow flows?

Please go to https://tron.gascade.biz/ and check “Mallnow Entry” and “Mallnow Exit” and click “Open”. Then select “Transport Data” and check “Nomination”, “Re-Nomination” and “Physical Flow (preliminary)”. Then you can see all relevant data concerning the flows.Also, you can find the relevant data on https://transparency.entsog.eu/

I noticed that nominations are different from the flows or re-nominations figures changed? Is this possible?

Transport customers are entitled to change their nominations and submit renominations. Renominations can also change according to transport customers submissions. Please check our tool https://tron.gascade.biz/ regularly for the latest figures.

How does it happen that (re)nominations do not match the physical flow?

Please note that due to technical mechanisms in the operation of the grid, physical flows may differ from the nominations. Differences will be assigned to the OBA (Operation Balancing Account) and will be balanced during the next few hours within the gas day.

What kind of technical mechanisms in the operation of the grid can cause these differences?

Technical and physical restrictions processes (e.g. increase/ decrease pressure, management of the grid) or mechanisms between the network operators can cause temporary differences between nominations and physical flows. Differences get balanced afterwards.


No, this cannot be generalized. The published data for the preliminary physical flow shows the sum of the entry and exit nominations. These are netted and then constitute the basis for the physical flow.

An example: If the exit nominations towards Poland are increased at the same time as the entry nominations remain the same, the physical flow towards Germany will be reduced. In this case, the contracted quantity by the transport customer from Poland in the direction of Germany would, however, remain unchanged.

Could you please explain the meaning of “nomination”?

A nomination informs the network operator about the extent to which a transport contract is to be used for a specific time period. The gas network operator controls the gas flows in its network on the basis of nominations. If a nomination is changed, this is referred to as a renomination.

Could you please explain the meaning of “renomination”?

A nomination informs the network operator about the extent to which a transport contract is to be used for a specific time period. If the nominated transport quantities are subsequently changed, this is referred to as a renomination.