Construction halted on Prinzenstrasse, Baunatal due to adverse weather conditions

GASCADE is carrying out maintenance and repair work on the Central German Gas Link pipeline (MIDAL)

Kassel / Baunatal. Adverse weather conditions have resulted in construction work on Prinzenstrasse, Baunatal-Grossenritte, near the Gertrudenstift nursing home for the elderly currently being suspended. Due to the closed snow cover, the maintenance and repair work on the Central German Gas Link pipeline (MIDAL) cannot be continued at present. 

If work can be resumed once the weather has improved, it should be completed within four weeks.

During the construction work, only one side of Prinzenstrasse is open for traffic. 

The MIDAL is a gas pipeline which runs from Bunde and Rysum in north Germany via Rehden and Reckrod to Ludwigshafen. At Baunatal it measures one meter in diameter. The MIDAL connects landing points for natural gas from sources in northwest Europe with the German centers of consumption.