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Reckrod 2 compressor station: Authority submits planning approval

Important step for new construction and modernization – initial earthwork to start on 20 March 

Kassel. With the submission of the planning approval, the Kassel regional council completed the approval procedure on 24 February 2023 for the construction and operation of the Reckrod 2 compressor station in the market town of Eiterfeld. The new station will be built to the south of the existing compressor station and be connected to the gas pipelines MIDAL Central, MIDAL South, MIDAL South Loop (MIDAL: Central German Pipeline Link) and STEGAL (Saxony-Thuringia Gas Pipeline). 
“We are pleased to have achieved the prerequisites for building such an important energy infrastructure in a comparably short space of time,” says GASCADE project manager Heidi Bernhardt. “That is only possible with a good planning team, open and transparent external communication, and efficient and competent administration.” 

Now that the application documents and the opinions submitted as part of the public consultation process have been carefully examined and considered in the past months by the regional council, construction of the Reckrod 2 compressor station can begin. The initial earthwork is expected to start from 20 March 2023. 

The essential purpose of the new compressor station is to increase gas transport capacities to Baden-Württemberg from 2026. That will allow additional capacities to be made available for gas transport from the major North European import points, the gas storage facilities in North Germany and the Netherlands, and the LNG terminals in operation in North Germany to Southern Germany. 

“At a time when there is a major shift in energy supply sources, we are guaranteeing supply security with this new compressor station in the middle of Germany, also in the future, for many industrial and private customers,” as GASCADE Managing Director Christoph von dem Bussche underlines. 

Reckrod 2 has four electric compressors. With the installation of these new electric compressor units, the oldest gas turbine compressor units at the existing Reckrod compressor station will also be replaced in the medium term, hence significantly reducing emissions at the site. The important node in the German gas network will thus be modernized and lay an important foundation for the future transport of hydrogen.

Compressor stations represent an important element in the pipeline network. From the source to the consumer, natural gas covers many kilometers and loses pressure in the process. This loss has to be compensated for: Compressor stations raise the gas pressure in the downstream pipeline systems, thus allowing the flow of gas.

Any questions?

Arne Kupetz (Kopie 2)

Maike Ferl


Telephone: +49 561 934-3636

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Uta Kull

Uta Kull


Telephone: +49 561 934-3636

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Arne Kupetz

Arne Kupetz


Telephone: +49 561 934-3636

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