Start of capacity marketing for VIPs GASPOOL-TTF
Kassel. On 1 April 2020, GASCADE Gastransport GmbH (GASCADE), Gastransport Nord GmbH (GTG), and Gasunie Deutschland Transport Services GmbH (GUD) will set up Virtual Interconnection Points (VIP) for gas transport between the GASPOOL and the TTF market area. This takes place in cooperation with the adjacent network operator Gasunie Transport Services B.V. (GTS).
For transport periods from 1 April 2020 onwards all available capacity of the previous IPs (see below) will be offered at the VIPs GASPOOL—TTF
GUD, as the responsible VIP-TSO, will offer the first capacities on PRISMA on 16 March 2020 in the monthly auction for the transport period April 2020. All interested shippers should ensure that they have completed the registration process with GUD in good time.
Details on marketing for the VIPs listed below can be found on PRISMA:
VIP | Location Code(EIC) | Involved TSOs | VIP TSO | IP |
VIP-TTF-GASPOOL-H | 21Z000000000500Z | GASCADE / GUD | GUD | Oude Statenzijl H (GUD), Bunde (GASCADE) |
VIP-TTF-GASPOOL-L | 21Z000000000499V | GTG / GUD | GUD | Oude Statenzijl L (GUD), Oude Statenzijl (GTG) |
Capacity contracts concluded at the VIPs GASPOOL-TTF must be nominated to GUD and will be billed by GUD. Capacity contracts existing at the IPs, which will run after 1 April 2020 (existing contracts), remain at the IPs and will continue to be nominated and settled with the respective TSO.