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Mallnow compressor station: operation resumed

Facility back in operation since 11 a.m. - power supply restored for the Mallnow compressor station

Mallnow/Kassel. At around 9 a.m. on 2 October 2018, an outage occurred in the local power grid at the GASCADE GASTRANSPORT GmbH compressor station in Mallnow. No information on the cause can be provided at this juncture.

After the local power supply was restored, the compressor station was able to resume its regular operation at around 11 a.m.

Any questions?

Arne Kupetz (Kopie 2)

Maike Ferl


Telephone: +49 561 934-3636

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Uta Kull

Uta Kull


Telephone: +49 561 934-3636

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Arne Kupetz

Arne Kupetz


Telephone: +49 561 934-3636

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