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Maintenance work on the WEDAL gas pipeline in Bielefeld-Hillegossen

GASCADE Gastransport GmbH will be carrying out renovation work on the WEDAL gas pipeline (Westdeutschland-Anbindungsleitung – West German connection line) in the Bielefeld East area

Bielefeld. Renovation work on WEDAL is planned from spring to late summer 2025. In preparation for the construction work, selective shrub clearance is already being carried out along the gas pipeline in the Hillegossen district near the motorway junction. Further preparatory measures, such as earthworks for setting up the construction site, will start in April and May 2025. WEDAL is expected to be taken out of operation in mid/late July and August 2025 and will take around four weeks. The gas supply is secured throughout the construction period. The B66 federal highway and the A2 motorway will remain fully open to traffic.

The renovation work involves replacing pipe segments on which routine inspections have revealed abnormalities in the insulation of the inner pipes. A modern process is used to expose only the ends of the jacket pipes and replace the inner pipeline pipes. The renovation measures can thus be carried out with little intervention.

GASCADE and the construction companies carrying out the work will make every effort to ensure that the forthcoming work is carried out in a manner that is environmentally friendly and does not inconvenience local residents. Nevertheless, there will be the usual construction site noise and dust. Among other things, increased traffic is to be expected during the renovation on Veltheimer Straße, Obere Hillegosser Straße, Kollerbreite and Möllerhof Straße as well as on Nesselstraße and Am Schlinkkrug. Other access routes and the specific construction site areas are marked on the attached overview maps.

GASCADE will continue to inform the public and affected residents in good time about possible temporary restrictions (such as traffic diversions) as the project progresses. GASCADE is aware that the renovation work will affect local residents and is therefore endeavoring to complete the project as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions about the project, please contact contactSpam or call +49 561 934-0.


Since 1997, the 321-kilometre West-Deutschland-Anbindungs-Leitung (WEDAL) pipeline has connected the German and Belgian transmission systems. Gas can be transported in both directions through WEDAL.

Any questions?

Arne Kupetz (Kopie 2)

Maike Ferl


Telephone: +49 561 934-3636

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Uta Kull

Uta Kull


Telephone: +49 561 934-3636

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Arne Kupetz

Arne Kupetz


Telephone: +49 561 934-3636

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