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GASCADE certified as a hydrogen network operator

Important milestone in the transformation of the company. Preparations are underway to convert the first pipeline sections to hydrogen.

Kassel. GASCADE Gastransport GmbH (GASCADE) is one of the first German network operators to be certified as hydrogen-ready by the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVGW) in terms of technical safety: "We have thus created an important prerequisite for being able to act as a hydrogen transporter in the future as early as 2023. We are about to convert the first pipeline sections from natural gas to hydrogen. From 2025, we want to offer substantial capacities for hydrogen transportation as part of the Flow – making hydrogen happen project. The certification as hydrogen-ready is an important piece of the puzzle," says a delighted Christoph von dem Bussche, Managing Director of GASCADE.

The certification as a natural gas network operator has also been renewed. The DVGW confirms that GASCADE once again meets all qualification and organizational requirements in accordance with DVGW Code of Practice G1000 for natural gas transport. For the first time, the requirements for hydrogen transportation were also included in the tests. The certification is therefore the official "entry ticket" to technical hydrogen transportation. Jörg Höhler, President of the DVGW, and Heinz Flick, Managing Director of the DVGW Hesse Regional Group, today, handed over the certificate confirming technical safety management (TSM) to GASCADE: "The audit consisted of two parts: a general part in which topics such as structural and process organization, occupational safety, health and environmental protection, risk and crisis management were examined. A technical part covered the topics of planning and construction as well as gas scheduling and emergency management. GASCADE employees answered all of our auditors' questions in detail. GASCADE passed the audit with flying colors," explains Jörg Höhler.

GASCADE's Head of Network, Sönke Deppe, is delighted with the successful certification: "The DVGW auditors, who assess many companies, have come to the conclusion that GASCADE is already particularly well positioned for future hydrogen transportation. Receiving written confirmation of this is motivation for us to press ahead with our conversion and new construction projects for the hydrogen future. We have big plans for the coming years and we are prepared for them."

Background to Technical Safety Management (TSM) in accordance with DVGW G1000

The TSM confirmation certifies that the company fulfills the essential legal safety requirements by applying the DVGW regulations. The German Energy Industry Act (EnWG) requires the fulfillment of personnel, economic and technical requirements for energy transport. The TSM is also explicitly mentioned in the High Pressure Gas Pipeline Ordinance (GasHDrLtgV). A management system for technical safety is explicitly required here. The requirements of the EnWG and GasHDrLtgV are met by applying the Technical Safety Management System of the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water. Compliance and implementation are regularly reviewed by an impartial, external body in view of the growing challenges facing supply and transport companies due to climate change, the energy transition and digitalization.

The TSM confirmation is also required by approval authorities, for example as part of the planning approval process or as basic proof in service contracts.

Any questions?

Arne Kupetz (Kopie 2)

Maike Ferl


Telephone: +49 561 934-3636

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Uta Kull

Uta Kull


Telephone: +49 561 934-3636

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Arne Kupetz

Arne Kupetz


Telephone: +49 561 934-3636

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