Invitation to comment
on the Interconnection Agreement between GASCADE Gastransport GmbH and terranets bw GmbH

Kassel/Stuttgart, 15 August 2017. In accordance with Article 4 of the “COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2015/703 of 30 April 2015 establishing a Network Code on Interoperability and Data Exchange Rules”, that describes the information obligations of the Transmission System Operators with regards to the conclusion or the amendment of an interconnection agreement, Network Users are invited to comment on the proposed wording of the following provisions of the interconnection agreement between GASCADE Gastransport GmbH and terranets bw GmbH.

Network Users may comment on the proposed text via contactSpam between the 15 August 2017 and the 15 October 2017.

The Transmission System Operators shall take the Grid Users’ comments into account when concluding or amending their interconnection agreement. 

The interconnection agreement shall be applicable to the H-gas interconnection point at Lampertheim IV.

further information

Communication Procedures in case of Exceptional Events

Relevant extract (German language only) from the interconnection agreement:
§ 7 Kommunikationsverfahren bei außergewöhnlichen Ereignissen
Im Falle eines außergewöhnlichen Ereignisses informieren sich die Vertragspartner zunächst mündlich auf Deutsch und bestätigen die Information anschließend auf elektronischem Weg. Die Kontaktadressen der Vertragspartner sind diesem Vertrag als Anlage 3 beigefügt.