

Exit point

An exit point is a point in a market area where gas can be withdrawn from a network operator’s network.

Exchange capacities

If transmission system operators exchange capacities within a  market area at network points, these capacities are referred to as exchange capacities.

Efficiency value

As part of incentive based regulation, the Federal Network Agency checks the cost effectiveness of the German transmission system operators. These have to measure themselves against the most efficient operator. The basis for the nationwide efficiency comparison is §§ 12 ff of the Incentive Regulation Ordinance (ARegV). Less efficient companies are given a few years in which to resolve their individual inefficiency.

Entry point

An entry point is a point in a market area where gas can be fed into a network operator’s network.


Electrical, measuring, control and regulation systems are found in the field of automation technology.

Energy quantity determination

Energy quantity determination describes a process where a calibrated thermal measurement result in [kWh] is produced using remotely transmitted measurement values which are relevant for billing purposes. GASCADE works mostly with IT-based processes.

Entry/exit model

The entry/exit model describes a model for transport where the transport customer merely needs to book the entry and exit point within a market area. The transport route is controlled and optimized solely by the network operators in the market area. This model is used in both German market areas.


The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG) is an association of the operators of gas pipeline networks in Europe. ENTSOG is based in Brussels.

Exchange capacities

The abbreviation stands for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Or, in other words: Our dispatching center which controls all gas flows is in operation around the clock.